I have to share this because, again, this season will sadly come to an end and I have loved it. Everyday as I drive the girls to school I receive my list of duties. This is not the chores I do around the house while they are busy learning at school. It is my extra duties of caring for their four or five baby dolls; Trevor, Keri Joy, Luke, Natasha, & ??? (one that has several names). Yes, I am left written lists of instructions from even Hopie on how often to feed them, how to play with them, and when they nap. This list is in the form of a checklist from Abigail, so she can check up on my job. It cracks me up! They are sometimes yelling last minute instructions as they round the corner at school & disappear. So I report to them as soon as I get my kiss & hug after school how their babies were. When they slept, what they ate, if we went on a walk, & how many poopy diapers I changed of their babies. They think this is too cool.
TRUST ME, they know when the babies have not been cared for. I got caught tossing them in the chair when I hit the house after carpool. I only did that once! Now I tuck them in bed as soon as I get home so I don't forget. Ssssshhhhh! They are sleeping! ;)

This is my little helper ~ so stinkin' cute!

Luke is kissing the babies night-night!

This is Abbie's bed full of sleeping babies!

Mama has done her job, now off to more laundry!!!!