We only live 30 minutes from the big city, but I dread the trip. We had to make the trip to pick up many & much needed items & food. So the van cleaned out & loaded with children, we are off. The children were great, but getting tired. After the 5
th store and several hours later, they were
so ready to go home. So was Mama, trust me on this one. We had been longer than I expected and picked lunch up at the grocery store. Groceries loaded, children buckled, we are ready to get gas & head home. Then it starts....."tummy hurts....Mama, tummy
huuurrrrts!" For my little man who is branching out in his vocabulary, these were serious words. I envisioned barf all over the back of my head, his car seat (that stinks to wash), and the van full of groceries. Fortunately we hit the gas station with no barf. I took Luke out of his car seat and talk with him. His whines subside, as I think he had a gas bubble. He was dead set though, that a car wash would make his tummy better.
Seriously...a car wash?! He loves going through the car wash. So back in the car & on the road to the car wash.
Abbie starts: "Mama, I am sick!"
Mama: "
WHAT???"Abbie: " I am sick & tired of being in Bakersfield!" :)
We both just started cracking up!
I just said Amen,
sista....we're outta here!