Saturday, October 31, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Spirit Week
This week is "Spirit Week" at the girl's school. They are having so much fun dressing up each day. Today is Wacky Wednesday ~ too fun!
The posing photo..........
Happy Times!
Monday, October 19, 2009
Pearl's Debut
I am thrilled to report that Pearl had a fabulous debut. We have had the opportunity to work cattle the past couple of weeks. We had to gather cattle at a friend of my father-in-laws and I was able to see how Pearl was going to work out. She did great. She gives me what I ask for, when I ask for it, and doesn't get bothered by much. Okay, I still have not got the sorting thing down, especially when four people are telling me what to do! But experience will be the best teacher on that issue.
I also got to go help push cattle down from Tyler Creek. It was suppose to be an easy/short day. It was everything but that. It took a crazy amount of time. We had soooooo many calves we had to stop and load some up and just trailer them. The one funny story from this day was when I was chasing some cows that had turned back, my reins ended up on the same side and I was pulling the wrong one to stop. Hence Pearl was not stopping, or even slowing down at this point. I am running by Benny yelling, "We're gonna have a WRECK!!!" I was actually laughing and trying to get my reins in order. I was able to get her turned without having a wreck ~ thank you Jesus! That was a crazy day. The calves were so young and so many, they just made for the slowest day ever. We only did half the job that day, as we quit at dusk. I was assured that that was the worst they had ever had it go. Good, I can't wait for next year!
One thing is very true ~ cattle predict how long things take!
With all this, Pearl did a wonderful job. Wow, what a difference. Once you have had a "sassy" mare and then get one with a great temperament, it is crazy how good it feels. I am so thankful to have had Baby Girl first. I learned so much on her and through her. I would have been spoiled if I had had Pearl as a "first" horse. I have so much to learn & work on with Pearl.
I am excited for this journey in front of us.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
A Day in his Shoes
We have established that the Abshires are already in the poison control database, due to our excitement with Hopie. Well, in this post it is a wonder how I make it through a day with Luke Josiah! I wanted to share a day in the life with Luke. Mamas of young boys will shake their head in understanding the following account.
Luke is totally two right now! He doesn't talk, but trust me when I say he makes his needs & desires known. I spend the day juggling the many tasks & chores that mamas do during the day, then add the wave of mess of a toddler to boot. I am walking through the house, talking to Aaron on the phone, when I pass by the girl's bedroom. I notice that a toy is flying in the air a little higher than it should be for Luke's size. I decide to check out what he is doing. I walk in on him standing in the middle of the top bunk of the girl's bed, throwing animals across the room and into the ceiling fan that is on! He climbed up the side of the bed, because I took the ladder to the bed down weeks ago to prevent him from climbing up to the top bunk.
Okay, Luke is down on the ground safely and the bed is blocked. I head upstairs to make my bed and hear something fall down outside the back door. I come down to find Luke holding his finger saying, "oooouuuuwwwwweeeeeee". He is giving me his finger to kiss. So I kiss his finger and ask him what he did. He takes me to the steps out back where my little man has stuck a set of keys into an outlet! Praise God, he blew the circuit. Ouwee! Ya' think partner! Ya just stuck a a set of keys in a 110 outlet. I am glad you can say ouwee! My feeler was stuck for a little while after that one. Needless to say, keys were put up HIGHER after that incident. He had used a chair to retrieve this set. He is a resourceful little critter!
So I bring him inside where things are safer. Within 5 minutes of being inside my little man has striped down to his birthday suit and dumped every toy basket in his room. He is so proud of himself. I just shake my head and decide to go get the camera. What can you do? I snap a picture of my son in all his glory.
Finally after my feeler has come down from the "electrician" escapade, I hear Luke callin' "Mama!" It is the mama that says "come see what I am doing". You know the tone! I head to his room quickly to find him in my saddle that is next to his "big boy" bed. He has figured how to get from the bed into the saddle. He was so proud he decided to show me how he did it. He stood on the edge of his bed and threw his chest on the seat of the saddle. Then he swung his leg over the saddle and pulled himself - upright!
I confess, I was impressed!
Go Luke Frost!
Keep in mind, this was ALL in one day! It is a wonder how mamas make it through some days. I wonder will Luke make it to his third birthday! He is killin' me! Boys are busy! I do love my little guy. He brings me the biggest smiles and cracks me up daily. He keeps me on my toes and is the reason I take a daily multi-vitamin!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009
Magic Mountain
I can remember when Abbie was just a baby thinking that a trip to Magic Mountain was so far away. I wasn't eager for it, I just thought that she would never really be older enough or big enough to go to such a big place. Silly Mama! My little girl spent the day at Magic Mountain with her Papa & classmates as a reward for selling barbecue tickets for her school. This was her first year to sell tickets and she came in third place of her school in ticket sales. Go Abbie! She was quiet the saleswoman as I heard her on the phone selling tickets. She worked hard and we are so proud of her. But is she really big enough to go to Magic Mountain??? Papa informed me that they spent the day in "kiddie land"! That made this Mama happy. I know the day is coming that she will be off and running, but I am not there yet. I will add a picture once Papa sends them from his phone.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
CBS - Community Bible Study
One thing I love about my fall schedule is getting back to CBS after the summer break. I miss it during the summer but love the break. This year Aaron & Abigail have joined CBS too. Aaron attends Monday night with Rob, at a small group. Abigail is doing the home study with Mama at home and enjoying being in His word. I have been out of leadership at CBS for a few years but have loved being back with the ladies that lead this Bible study. Here is a picture of most of the leaders in our aprons that our director made us this summer.

This year I took on the position as the Primary/Junior age Children's CBS. I teach the home schooled children the same lesson their moms are doing but at their level. I have loved it. I have a great group of children who faithfully do their lessons and come ready to learn. I love doing the object lessons, crafts, & snacks to match the lessons. We are studying Genesis this year. The children have loved some of the snacks we have made. When we did creation we made dirt out of pudding, Oreos, and gummy worms ~ they loved it. We also had fun studying the tower of Babel. For snack we made towers out of marshmallows & frosting. *Note - I served snack last ~ I didn't want to deal with children on a "sugar high" & the crash! * Sorry Moms!

My children have had their own fun with the leftovers from class.

This year I took on the position as the Primary/Junior age Children's CBS. I teach the home schooled children the same lesson their moms are doing but at their level. I have loved it. I have a great group of children who faithfully do their lessons and come ready to learn. I love doing the object lessons, crafts, & snacks to match the lessons. We are studying Genesis this year. The children have loved some of the snacks we have made. When we did creation we made dirt out of pudding, Oreos, and gummy worms ~ they loved it. We also had fun studying the tower of Babel. For snack we made towers out of marshmallows & frosting. *Note - I served snack last ~ I didn't want to deal with children on a "sugar high" & the crash! * Sorry Moms!

My children have had their own fun with the leftovers from class.

Sunday, October 4, 2009
Abbie in stitches
Abigail was playing over at her girlfriend Ellie's home Saturday, when things went south ~ fast! They were playing on a trailer when Abbie's leg broke through part of the metal. Papa got the call from Mike that Abbie needed stitches. We knew it was serious. She is amazing! Her high pain tolerance came in handy, for once! It wasn't handy when she was a toddler getting a spanking'! But we will take it here! 15 stitches later she looks pretty good! We praise Jesus for protecting her from any further damage. He is so good to us. Here is our patient going to church today.

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