The children took a break from riding, or maybe Mama got pre-occupied with her riding, or life happened….who knows exactly! Needless to say, they had stopped riding and wanted to go back to it. I knew what to do to fix this predicament. Mention to my cowboy buddy Ben that some children wanted to ride Little Bit. Knowing his soft heart for children with a desire to ride a horse, I might have foreseen the outcome. ;-) We got those children in a saddle asap! Ben is wonderful about making sure children get to ride when they have a desire. So the children are thrilled and Little Bit gets some exercise. It is a win win situation!
My cautious, rule abiding Abigail, listening intently to instruction.

Luke enjoying a friendly new colt.
My Hope trying to get Little Bit to lope!
There are reasons we don't give Hope spurs!

Luke finding something to entertain himself with.

Sweet times!

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