I love getting my hair cut & bleached for so many reasons. I get my full vision back, due to the fact it had been impaired by the bangs I let get too long. I get texture back by bleaching it, not to mention my man loves me blonde ~ yes, he would love me as a brunette, but heck, blondes have more fun (so they say)! Also, when we get together my girls are thrilled because that means the get to see their very good friends. Ok, so returned vision, texture/blonde, buddy time, and last but my absolute favorite reason I love to get cut & colored is time with Debbie. Debbie was a hairdresser for over 30 years and finally stopped doing hair. She has continued to do mine for the sheer fact that I am a “pity” case! She feels sorry for me & can’t stand to look at me with a bad cut. I have NO problem being her “pity” case. We have the sweetest time when we get together. We share coffee, stories, struggles, Jesus, and laughter every time we get together. It is a cherished & precious time for both of us. Not to mention a source of pride for Debbie as she steps back & looks at the masterpiece she pulls off with this hair of mine! I am so thankful she took pity on me.
The girls getting to play with their buddies!

Love these girls.

Luke taking P-Nut for a spin! Yikes~He is so handsome!

Luke takin' Mama for a spin! Yee-haw! Sit down, hold on, & shut up!

I love this time!
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