Tuesday, April 21, 2009

You can't say that yet!

Our beloved Luke is almost 2! Can you believe that??? His Mama can't believe that. I believe I am in denial that he is getting so big. He is doing well at keeping up with the Abshire Clan. He is trying to communicate with us. He doesn't talk except for "Mama", which he says with 6 different inflections depending on the need. We have all figured out these inflections and meet his needs. So, yeah, why learn to talk!!!! Papa cannot wait to hear his name from Luke's lips and has been trying to get him to say it. I keep telling him, "Luke is an Asbhire. Once he starts talking, Honey, there will be no stopping him! He, too, will fight for air time at the supper table!" Aaron knows this because we have seen it with the girls.
Well last week I was sitting at my desk doing paperwork when I heard Luke trying to say something. He was getting louder and pointing, trying to make me understand. I could clearly understand what he was saying ~ "orse"! He is pointing at my calendar of horses and yelling "ORSE"! It sounds exactly like horse minus the "H". I was so excited! It would be a natural word for him being that he hears Mama say, "Let's go feed the horse" twice a day, everyday. After the initial excitement wore off I thought, Papa may not be as excited about this as I am. What Papa would want their child saying "orse" before Papa? But Aaron was happy and not surprised.
Since that time Luke has said "Pa" clearly referring to his Papa, and Aaron is tickled!

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