Sunday, April 5, 2009

Time to Celebrate!

The birthday celebrations have begun here at the Abshire home front. Sunday was our family birthday party for Papa & Abbie. Mama tried to get out of this one but Abbie would have no part of that. Abbie is having a slumber party with 13 girls on Friday so Mama thought she wouldn’t notice not having a “family” birthday party. Then the questions started! “Mama, when will my family be coming?” Hmmm, well, we weren’t planning a family party with your slumber party happening. Yeah, her face said it all. Mama kicked it into high gear and pulled together the family together for a party. It was a fun day of celebrating two of our favorite people.

1 comment:

KDC said...

I like the special non-verbal message your hubby is sending in one of those pictures :)!