Monday, August 17, 2009


At the Abshire home, the hot water pipe to the downstairs bathtub is broken. This has lead to all baths to be taken in Papa & Mama's bathroom upstairs. I have to remind myself that when I see the clothes thrown about my bathroom that it was the bodies of healthy, very active children that they came off of! :)
Well, I took Luke up there the first several days and then had a thought. Why not put little guy in the kitchen sink?! When we did the remodel I always pictured a sink that would wash up to a three year old! Any Mom bending over a tub washing a toddler would shout, Amen! So Luke started getting his bath in the sink. Too cute.
What was the funniest in all this is the other night I hear Luke calling "MAMA", multiple times (you know you can hear this Keri). So I go to check on him. I find him naked, ducky towel in hand, having climbed up a bar stool, with one foot in the sink trying to turn the water on saying "bubbles!" Oh my!! It will be a sad day for him when the pipe gets repaired.
P.S. ~ For those efficient mamas out there, it is amazing how you can multi-task in the kitchen with a child in the sink! :)

1 comment:

KDC said...
