Monday, August 24, 2009

The First Day of 1st, 4th, & Mama all to myself!

A memoir from Luke:
What is all the noise about?!? I thought I was the only noise maker around here! Doesn't anyone around here know the "so stinkin' cute" little boy needs his sleep to look that way! Quiet down!!!
(Mama enters & changes the prince quickly. She returns to the kitchen, with the prince in arms, to feed him with the others.)
Everyone is excited around here. I can't get a word in edgewise! Mama is packing lunches, the girls are telling her how they want to wear their hair, and the back packs are out.
The back packs are out?!? That means...
my sisters are going back to school!
What that really means is I get my Mama back all to myself!
Well, what are you all standing around for ~ get going. Mama is flying around helping the girls get ready. Abbie knows exactly which buttons to push & when ~ I am taking good notes for future reference. Kayanna is whining about her fabulous hair ~ again!
I would like to see her pull off my faux hawk!
Alright folks, to the car we go. We wouldn't want you to be late on the first day of school!
Mama...Mmmaaammmaaa, you aren't taking my picture!

I want the ding dongs that are in those lunch bags!

Wow, my big sister looks like she is going to be busy. That makes me want to take a nap thinking about it. She is so smart. She will do great. Moving on......

Oh, my sister Hopie ~ that grin speaks volumes! I hope no one pushes her buttons the way she pushes mine. I will miss her chasing me around, when I want to be chased.
Okay, don't they have recess or something, I want my Mama's attention.
School is in session.
We head back to the van. It is awfully quiet in here. No one is pulling on my seat to tease me. Toby Mac isn't in the cd player. I find I want to sing quietly in the quiet van. My Mama throws me a great smile.
I throw her one back.
I know the girls are excited to go back to school but I have to say,
I am excited to have my Mama back all to myself!

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