Thursday, June 4, 2009

Hey God.....

The other day I received a gift from a couple friends that brought me to tears. Not just for a couple of minutes but the rest of the day. They shared that this was a gift from the Lord and that they wanted to obey. I couldn't put my finger on why I reacted the way I did. I don’t know that I really understand it today. I know I was humbled by the gift. I know I felt unworthy to receive it. But when I was all done trying to figure my messy, complicated self out, I came up with how tender God is to me. It blows my stinkin’ socks off at His love for me. I could tell Him ALL the reasons not to love me (as I did that afternoon) but He already knows all that and still loves me! There is something about being loved so unconditionally that strikes the very core of me. He moves me deeply. So I now have a sweet smile on my face as I think of the tenderness of my God and say ~ thank You.

1 comment:

Rebecca Gafner said...

THats beautiful. Its amazing that God is romancing and pursuing us!