Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Beware of the Artichoke Monster

I have to write this story down or it will get lost in the crazy world of life. It has made me laugh inside so many times since it happened, I don't want to forget it! My precious nieces, Grace & Sarah, were over playing at Auntie's the other day and stayed for lunch. Well Auntie Liz was having an artichoke for lunch, not a very big one at that. I come to find out that little Miss Sarah LOVES artichokes and is begging for a bite. She has become my instant shadow, hovering over every bite I take. We get to the fun part of cleaning the heart, of my not-so-big artichoke. Sarah is begging for bites all the while. We are there, the heart of the artichoke, ready to be delicately eaten & savored! I offer my Sarah a bite, holding the artichoke to her mouth. All of the sudden she gently takes my hand and helps stuff the entire artichoke heart into her tiny mouth!!! What just happened?!? My hand is empty and her little cheeks are stuffed! She can't even talk for a minute until she gets things swallowed. Oh, but those big brown eyes! I have seen the scene in my head a hundred times and chuckle. She is precious! But be afraid, be very afraid, if she is lurking about with an artichoke around. The artichoke doesn't stand a chance against her!

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