Monday, January 5, 2009

Chocolate Moose Sighting

No words neccessary!


KDC said...

That is the cutest stinkin' chocolate moose I have ever seen!!!

Jason Sexton said...

Great photo shot!

Hey Liz & fam! Thanks for the comment. We hope to put more up lots more soon (though my computer just crashed! and Heidi's is slowly inching towards geriatric status).

You should know, rural Scotland is not unlike the Central Valley in some ways - just much wetter! Oh yeah, and with an ocean really nearby, and a lot more pubs than we were used to! (grin) St Andrews really is an amazing place to live for these years.

We're trying to stay posted with events in our beloved Shafter-Wasco area & would love to stay up on your lives & your church too! We're so concerned to see the Lord's work done there, and the Gospel develop in that community, and the entire Valley for that matter.

We hope to be more diligent with the blog postings to give a better glimpse of our lives in the UK. There's so much happening here, and honestly, its all going by soooo fast!

warm regards, J, H & kids (in Scotland)