Thursday, January 29, 2009

wii Adventures

I have yet to post any of our wii adventures on our blog, so I will fill you in and catch you up to date. No doubt there will be future posts! Papa & I got the family a wii for Christmas. We had a blast making mii characters. Yes, Mama has "excited eyes" (See this post for excited eyes insight) and Papa has some great dreads. We got wii fit too and that was not so fun. Mama watched Papa play wii fit Christmas night and he made it look so easy. I (Mama) tried it the next day, mind you it is my birthday, and it aged me two extra years and asked me "do you find you stumble when you walk?" WHAT??? After my initial upset and reminder that my identity is in Jesus, I was able to continue in my wii adventures. We have had much fun on this little game. The girls get a kick out of walking the tightrope or ski jumping. I have enjoyed the strength training and yoga. We have had some good laughs with friends playing the wii with us. Just the other night a girlfriend & I were cleaning up some dishes in the kitchen when we hear a commotion coming from the living room. We find our husbands boxing, loudly I might add, and sweating like crazy. There were even sore muscles the next day for some. Here is their heated match:

FYI ~ I have brought my wii fit age down 7 years since that terrible first day.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Hey Liz, sounds like a lot of fun at your house! Sometimes Justin will play tennis on our wii and sweat like crazy. I do not doubt the exercise it can give. I have thought about buying the wii fit but everytime I go back to see about getting one, they are gone. Miss you all!